
Tiny Tears

Narrated by Danny Glover this award-winning documentary tells the story of AIDS orphans across the globe, a tale of hope overcoming tragedy. Tiny Tears premiered at the United Nations World Headquarters in NYC.

(2009) Tiny Tears
Narrated by Danny Glover - United Nations World Premier
Studio: Industrial Motion Pictures

2011 New York Independent Film Festival – AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD
2009 Philadelphia Independent Film Festival Best Documentary Feature – WINNER
2009 West Hollywood Film Festival – Honorable Mention
2009 Cleveland International Film Festival – Official Selection

After scoring his short film we were thrilled when documentary film-maker Robert Corna asked us to score his new feature "Tiny Tears". The film told the story of AIDS orphans across the globe but with the focus on hope rather than tragedy. While writing, we were strengthed by those who devote their lives to helping others with this unfathomable burden, one they were handed at birth. We were also inspired by the joy of the children who while knowing they are terminal still sing songs of praise as love triumphs through despair. One of our favorite cues is "dance together" showing AIDS orphans from around the world dancing, simply being kids. The montage never made it into the final cut but remains one of our favorites - we even took sounds from the film of children singing and used that as the heartbeat of the song. The film is narrated by Oscar-Nominee actor Danny Glover, and premiered at the United Nations World Headquarters in NYC.